Conni Filteau
Guardians of Reflection
Set of 7 cards with envelopes (photo hand-glued to two-fold card)
Conni Filteau is German-Canadian artist, designer, and ‘craftesian’ currently living in Owen Sound. She explores the natural world from multiple perspectives, from geology to the phenomenology of the living natural world. Through a lens of wonder and interconnection to the natural world, she has discovered her own interconnectedness and interdependence with the non-human world, and more specifically, with the more-than-human world.
Guardians of Reflection
In Filteau’s pursuit to capture the ethereal beauty found in reflections, she says: “this series of photographs unfolded before me like an enchanting revelation.” Through contemplative observation and reframing, a hidden world was unveiled for her. Like we feel about ancient trees, silently watching and witnessing, “these images, as they materialized before my lens, took on the monumental presence of totemic beings – entities that exude strength, wisdom, and eternal vigilance.”
In this series, Filteau invites us into the possibility of a symbiotic relationship with our environment and the sentient beings that coexist alongside us. Evoking timeless presence and silent wisdom, her images blur the boundaries between the mundane and the mysterious, the unseen, the mystical.
Guardians of Reflection 1 (Set of 7 Greeting Cards)
Shipping costs per set of 7 greeting cards
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